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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Being the Match, Part III

In Part II, I described the testing to determine, and after, I was determined to be a match for a bone marrow patient.

I was finally cleared to donate and received word on Monday, May 1st, 2017.

"It's a go.  You cleared Friday!"

I was so excited.
I had only shared my plans with a few close friends - I didn't want to have to explain that I wasn't chosen or, if I had a medical issue - I didn't want to worry others unnecessarily.

I called my parents, and texted a few friends, and I was all smiles all day.
That night was a Relay Meeting Night and in pictures taken that night, I realized I hadn't smiled so well in quite a long time. I was missing joy in my life, and the fact that I was confirmed as a donor, gave me the joy back.

Here is one of the pictures from that night:

And so I began sharing my story - with family and friends alike:
I have some news I am ready to share.

Around 5 years ago, after Dad was diagnosed with Bone Marrow Cancer, I was tested and went on the Bone Marrow Donor Registry.

In March, I received a phone call asking me if I would consider further testing for a cancer patient needing a bone marrow donor, a 61 year old male.

For a little more than the past two months, I've been in the process of getting poked, prodded, and tested as a possible bone marrow donor. I am indeed a match and will be donating bone marrow anonymously (I don't know who he is and he doesn't know who I am) on the Monday after Relay.

If I cannot save my own Dad, then I am extremely honored and happy to have the chance to save someone else's.

With Dad being off Chemo the next few weeks, we will definitely be taking some time to celebrate life and continuing to cherish the little things.

My Dad was so proud, he shared the story in a local Chandler Facebook group, where the post exploded:
My wife and I are so proud of our son Jeffrey Zaben. In the next few weeks he will be donating his bone marrow to save the life of a 61 year old man. Jeff was tested when I was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer more than 5 years ago. He was not a match for me but now he is a match for someone. Saving another person's life is what, in Yiddish, we say is a mitzvah.

100 Comments and 1400 Likes Later, I finally had a chance to process some of the comments that were made:
Hi Everyone, I am the son in question. To say I am overwhelmed and in awe of your comments and expressions of emotion does not even begin to describe what I am feeling. I am so thankful for the enormous support and love you have shown me and my family.

I went on the Bone Marrow Registry in the hopes of saving someone since I cannot (am not a match for) my Dad, and now my dream is on verge of becoming reality.

Thank You again.

I was completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of affection - not only from this post, but from those made by Dad, and my good friend Lynne who posted the following and made me cry:
Dear friend who is a match to donate bone marrow to a stranger. You are my hero today. I love sharing this corner of the world with you! To love is to choose to be inconvenienced. What big love you have.

Some of the comments off the Facebook post that really affected me, so much so, that I typed them out which resulted in a 5 page document. On my days where I am feeling down in the dumps, I know exactly where to look now.
Here are some of the them:

Without my donor I would not be here today.  I hope your post will reach many to become an organ donor.

What a blessing this is…for your son to give,,for this man to receive.<3

Bless your son..:-) for the person he is for giving unselfishly to another and for you, parents, to raising and instilling the principles of life and giving.

It is what we say in every language “amazingly unselfish.”  Your son is someone you, I’m sure, are proud of and someone we all can look up to.  Good stuff, Jeff!!

Wow! I just gain faith in humanity again.  This is a huge mitzvah.  Power to your son!  God bless him!

God Bless your son.  It was a bone marrow donor that saved my mommy’s life.  She was given 2 months to live and the bone marrow saved her life (and mine). God Bless him!

Oh my gosh!  You must be soooo proud.  I am…and I don’t even know him.  You are amazing!

This brought me to tears.  He is a true Mensch!

You are amazing and quite the blessing.  Thank God for your.  Hugs and Luvs!!!

You are an awesome person, Jeffrey.  May G-d Bless you and your recipient, always.

I too am proud of your son, sir though we’ve never met.  You obviously raised a secure, compassionate child who knows the true meaning of life!

Wow, what a great gift and the angels will watch over Jeffrey.  You have truly instilled compassion for others in your son, be proud.

The pain of the surgery will go away, but the reward of saving someone’s life is forever.  Your gift is amazing!

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