Worst days give lessons, and Best days give memories" wrote a friend a few days ago.
I really couldn't agree more.
Dr. Seuss once said, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."
Likewise, I have come to realize over the past few years, that I need to appreciate what I have while I have it. I thought I was doing a pretty good job at this, but leave it to the Universe to refresh your memory and make you realize you're not really as in control and "ok" with things as much as you like to think they are.
The past month or so, has been ripe with medical issues, changed and disrupted plans, constant worrying, and juggling of schedules. I'm sure it was at least part of the reason why my blood pressure registered high for one of the first times I ever remember.
Dad stayed in bed most of the time and Mom and I really did not go out much. I did any shopping or errands on their behalf, and proceeded to burn myself out. Although Mom and I ate dinner together regularly, the 3 of us as a whole, stopped going out to dinner because Dad was way too wiped out.
We saw the doctor last week and the plan if things didn't improve was to admit Dad to the hospital this week to figure out what was causing his problems.
Being the consummate planner, and knowing that I can deal with almost anything knowing that's in the future so I can PLAN for it, I was ok with this, but on the way home from the Doctor, I expressed the following which ended up becoming a Facebook post a few days later:
A few days ago, I expressed a desire to go out when Alan felt up to it, to go out to dinner at a restaurant as a family, at Texas Roadhouse. I always thought going out to dinner was a little thing, but the past month has made realize it's really a big thing. Tonight was the first time we've gone out to dinner together in the past month. The manager saw Dad's shirt identifying himself as a Cancer Survivor, told us his own history with cancer, and then comped two of the meals, for my parents. We will never know what tomorrow may bring, but we can most definitely celebrate the successes of today. Take the small victories, and cherish what you've got.

The dinners out as a family, the Costco and Sam's runs (We like to walk around the store on weekends and nosh and shop)..I really found I missed. More than I really thought. When Dad agreed and felt better enough for us to go out to dinner to Texas Roadhouse last Thursday, I was ecstatic. Let's go while we have the chance.
I made sure to just soak in the moment and cherish every little thing - the biscuits and cinnamon butter, the time we spent together just enjoying each other's company. In a way, I was attempting to make a permanent memory within my brain, even though we had gone out to Texas Roadhouse plenty of times before and ordered the exact same meals. We've collectively been through so much in the past month, I just wanted "one more dinner" to appease myself, and my feelings. If nothing else, I would have a Texas Roadhouse dinner to cherish and hold even closer to my heart.
On Saturday, Dad said he wanted to run errands with me - Sam's, Costco, Fry's, etc.
It took him a few tries, but we went out and had a lovely Dad and Son Day.
Another one that we have done many times before, but one more to cherish!
On Sunday, we went out for dinner again. Why Not? Let's enjoy while we can.
What I learned and came to appreciate, was that the little things really are big things.
Sunday Night, I helped my parents with some items around their apartment and decided to play some music on Youtube while I tackled the "Honey Do" List.
The song I chose to listen to, perhaps subconsciously:
One Fine Day, by the Chiffons.
One Fine Day, indeed.
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