It was somewhat of a challenging day, emotionally.
As I wrote about online a few days ago:
Night is when I'm alone, when I either have a chance to relax and reflect on my day...worry about the things I can't control and try to shut my brain off to relax. It's when I unwind by watching a tv show, or starting my laundry (which usually gets left in the washer until the following morning).
It's when after a rough day, I cherish my ME time, even though I love my parents and being here as a caregiver for them just as much.
Finally, its the time when after stifling my emotions all day, I tell myself all day "just wait until you are alone" or "don't cry in front of them" but by the time that happens, I have moved past it, even temporarily, and no tears come out. (Most of the time)
On the way home from dinner with my parents, I began to feel sorry for myself and for the others in my life struggling with various issues.
Even though I am in midst of getting healthy again, making better food choices and working out, my old frenemy and faithful crutch came to the forefront.
For a few seconds, I thought, "Man, those chewy cookies at Fry's would taste so good right now." Instant gratification and an instant setback to the hard work and dedication I've put in over the past two weeks.
I felt guilty before I even put a chocolate chip in my mouth.
Last night, I posted this meme, because I felt it describes my situation accurately.
and then commented:
Or like me, they eat their feelings and emotions for years to deal with stress as an avoidance technique. For a while I traded the gym for emotional eating, but breaking old habits is hard. #workingonmeforme
How could I now go after the sweets after I said last night that's what I was working so hard not to repeat again?
I decided I wasn't going to give in, and I was going to have to find a way to work past the craving. At that very moment, I drove by a church with this sign on the outside:
"When things go bad, don't go with them"
Hmmmm....A Sign?
Clearly, it was something I needed to see.
For whatever reason, I decided to change the song on the radio down one station to the 1970s tunes.
The song playing:
"No Sugar Tonight" by the Guess Who.
I laughed.
Thanks, Universe, I get it.
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