Cancer Cannot...
Take away your memories
Take away your hope and faith
Be considered an automatic death sentence
Take away the good days
Take away the feelings of love others have for me, or
the feelings of love I have for those who fight cancer
Take away my ability to CHOOSE how I react
Stop life from going on
Cancer Can...
Royally go screw itself
Make you realize there is life, laughter, and love after a diagnosis
Remind you to take and celebrate the small victories
Cause you to constantly adjust to new changes, and
To accept and integrate those changes as "a new normal"
Take away the ignorance of a life unaffected by cancer
Make me appreciate "one more", birthday, holiday, etc
Make me sad, upset or depressed
Make you feel jealous of those who haven't been touched by cancer
On the other hand, you don't really want anyone else to feel the same pain
and suffer like you do.
Where a new pain of getting sick is a constant cloud, a possible cancer scare
Mean the stress at work means nothing compared to a medical issue
Cause a lot of worrying
Mean finding little ways to make life easier
Be just "being there" for someone as emotional and moral support
Be completely unfair
Challenge your hope and faith
Make you appreciate the good days - without pain, medical issues, hospitals, or doctors
Make planning for the future hard. Especially when you're a planner.
Cause in the father to become the son, and the son, the father.
Be a bonding experience.
Because of my Dad's chemo each month, it means I get to spend an extra few
hours a day (for a week) with him (and Mom) I wouldn't normally do.
Cause the "what ifs" fear
Introduce you to new friends
Without cancer, we would not have met a group of friends who relate to us on a much greater scale. They are not only friends, but they understand our struggles, our tears, our celebration at hearing the words "not cancer" yet another time. They are with us through the good times and bad, the highs
and the lows. They are our Relay Family.
BE ELIMINATED FROM OUR VOCABULARY with more research and money
Be fought back against
Make me more grateful and thankful for what I have, while I have it
Redirect my priorities and realize what's truly important in life,
and in that regards, it is in some ways a gift.
What I found writing these was that I had trouble coming up with "cancer cannots" more than "cancer cans." Meaning? For as much pain and heartache as it has caused in my life and the lives around me, perhaps it was the path we were meant to take and its all in your perspective and how you choose to react to it.
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