Another quote from Wally Amos that I post and refer to quite a bit:
"We share what we
need to learn.
An interesting thing
about change is that once it happens, your best option is to accept
it. You cannot undo it. You cannot wish things would be like they
were. Getting angry is a complete waste
of time. You will only grow old wishing
things were different. The sooner you
accept the change you are cursing the quicker you can enjoy the results of the
changed experience."
Our lessons can come in unexpected forms and surprise us at times.
As is our family tradition, we went to the movies and had Chinese food on Christmas Day.
As it worked out, I took advantage of some free time and saw 4 movies over the long weekend:
Collateral Beauty
Rogue One
Although they were all great individually, Each had some lessons to impart to me that I captured, collectively and individually, from each of the four movies:
You can plan the hell out of anything, but things are going to come up that can or will change your plan.
You can choose to fight that change, or you can embrace it and by doing so, fully appreciate and enjoy what you have as long as you have it.
If you look hard enough, There are times we already know the answer; we just don't realize how deeply buried it is.
Love the ones you're with, and just make it worth it.
You can lose something in an instant without any warning whatsoever.
We cannot stop life, the bad or even the good, from happening but we can always choose how we react to, and grow from it rather than letting it control us.
In one of these movies was a quote to the effect of...
"If you had your life to do over again, would you change anything, the good or the bad"
Surprisingly, No..I choose to take it all, for you can't appreciate the good without the bad, and because my greatest failures have led to my greatest lessons. Even when I don't realize it while going through them.
What you see as this chapter's ending is really the beginning of the next chapter in the book.
No matter what life, the universe, or however you choose to call it, throws at you, you really just need to bounce back and move on.
And...I still, really really really - want to travel and spacewalk in outer space.
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