I've been asked what my reasons were for doing this, and the following comments were expressed to me:
"If I have a craving for something....I will eat it ...satisfy the craving and be done with it."
"I will stop once I feel it's enough"
The problem is, not everyone can stop.
I am one of those.
My problem is when I give in I can't stop.
Indulging in cravings works fine if you can stop.
Some of you reading this are among those. But I am not.
I cannot..giving in has not proven to be a successful way for me to manage.
And if you are one of those, like me, who can't stop, who develops or has an insatiable craving that cannot be filled, when you try to explain it to someone who doesn't, some DONT GET IT.
Even though I say now and realize I AM A SUGAR ADDICT, The non addicts think it's just a term. At least that is my impression. For me it is a drug. Would you say to a drug addict give in, have a little pot or coke?
I get the impression those that don't feel as addicted to sugar (or whatever your food drug of choice may be - salt, carbs, etc) think it's a matter of self control, and I don't have control over my cravings. Which I don't...I agree. But for me it's more than that. I don't stop craving.
I crave, and I eat, and I continue to crave.
Sugar creates an insatiable craving for me that I can't fill the need no matter how hard I try. I have the cookie, and then I want another, and then I want the brownie, and then the cupcake.
The way I describe it is, it's the crack in the door. So I open it a little and have "something sweet." The door keeps getting opened wider and wider as I eat more sugar and carbs. I start not caring and making excuses. I stop working out.
Instead of snacking on clean foods, I'm looking to and craving the sweet.
Then I detox like I am now, and once I am completely "off" - I am fine. I won't crave, or I can at least control the cravings by substituting - strawberries, grapes, raisins - sweet fruits...or with nonfat frozen yogurt, rice pudding, etc - something that feeds my sweet tooth but doesn't necessarily throw me over the edge. My willpower is strong when I'm "on the wagon" but equally as weak when I'm in the sugar wing of Betty Ford.
It's a vicious cycle.
So realize that while giving into a craving and having a little of something may work for most people - it is not a viable option for everyone.
To end the madness, I shock my system and go cold turkey - I do what I need to, for me.
I realize I do this every year, sometimes multiple times a year. The worst decision I ever made after my weight loss was to reintroduce sugar, because I very clearly have issues controlling it.
I'm sure it's related to the fact that I know quite well how to lose, but I struggle to maintain my weight since the initial weight loss in 2011. So my method of maintaining has apparently been, gain then lose.
I wish I could say I know what the magic answer is to both of these. I look forward to finding out in 2016.
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