Throughout, my thinking ahead is not "When I am done with the 100 lbs I can go back to the Old Jeff" but more of "This is my new normal" - what I call Jeff v2.0
I'm starting this blog just over halfway through, thanks to a suggestion from a friend...and I figured why not..Might as well record my thoughts and hints for posterity. Today's Post will be on my progress so far. I intend not to update every day, but whenever the mood strikes with my thoughts, feelings, what I struggle with, etc.
It all began with a refill for a prescription that my Dr wouldnt refill without seeing me first. He performed a blood test, and the High Cholesterol that I've had for a while had increased..because I really didn't care. I ate all the hamburgers I wanted, didn't exercise, had fast food for dinner on the way home from work, etc.
He told me if I didn't start taking care of myself, I had a 100% chance of developing diabetes..it could be 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 years..but I would definitely get it. Additionally, I was getting tired of looking in the mirror and not liking what I saw .
This explains why I used to hardly ever put pictures of myself as my Profile Pic on Facebook..and when on vacation, I took lots of pictures, but hardly any of myself. I would turn off the TV when there were people talking about their weight loss challenges or how they lost weight. I coudln't even watch Mike and Molly (which many say is a hilarious show) because then I would have to admit that I had a problem.
It was time for me take charge, and make some changes.
On March 7th, I had my "last" meal - although I didn't realize it at the time. I went to "Five Guys" for lunch and had my last Soda (Coke) and a Burger.
On March 8th, I did what I am calling "flipped the switch" - I completely transformed my eating and lifestyle habits
-Gave Up Soda - Cold Turkey (after struggling to give it up for the previous 2 months)
-Began Working Out 6 out of 7 Days (resting usually on Sunday)
[I've since changed this.. now I workout 2 Days, Rest 1, then Repeat]
-Eating Small Meals, 5 to 6 times a day - I eat every 2 to 3 hours
-Helping with Portion Control by using small plates - not the large dinner plates
-Eliminated Almost All Sweets - Cookies, Cakes, Etc.
-Using Fresh Fruit to snack on....and Fruit Sorbet/Sherbet For Dessert
-Eating More Salads and Fresh Vegetables
-Watching like a Hawk my Fat Intake and Cholesterol Intake.
-Little to No Red Meat (I've had it once in the past 12 weeks)
-Eliminated Dairy, Except for Skim Milk (No Eggs, Cheese, Butter - Due to Cholesterol)
This isn't everything..but these are the majority of the changes I made that helped me to be so successful.
My immediate goal was to lower my cholesterol. I had a follow up appointment 2 weeks later.. and with all the changes above, I was so successful that I could no longer be classified as having "High Cholesterol"
March 8:
Total Cholesterol - 238
Bad Cholesterol - 151
March 25:
Total Cholesterol - 101
Bad Cholesterol - 45
The above numbers reflect changes in just 17 Days! Talk about a Miracle.
When I was tested earlier this month---my cholesterol had dropped even further - from 101 down to 70.
So, My First Goal was reached - I lowered my Cholesterol to a normal level.
So, now, although I had been working on both goals from the start..I could now focus on losing weight since my Cholesterol was under control. Although I set my weight loss goal (100..now 104 lbs)...After I lost the first half, I also set a size goal.. which I hope to make, but we'll just have to see how it goes.
Shirt - I wanted to be an XL, and I accomplished that with the first 50 lbs (down 3 sizes)
It will be interesting to see what happens with my shirt size..For now I am holding on buying too many new clothes incase I shrink beyond an XL. But it is so nice to be back in the Mens and Young Mens Department instead of Big Mens!
Pants/Shorts - Since I lost 8 Inches in the First 50 lbs..I set a goal of another 8 inches for my final size.
On average, I began losing around 4 lbs a week, which is above average. I did it the natural way - all through Diet and Exercise. No supplements, pills, etc. It really has given me a sense of accomplishment. I decided I wanted to lose 100 lbs and then modified this to include an extra 4 pounds to take me down to 180. I decided I really wanted to be 180 instead of 184. Although I do have a number in mind...I realize this is not completely in my control.. and so I am willing to "settle" for 200 if I have to...if my body decides 200 is as far as it wants go.
I've made great success already...So even if I were to maintain where I'm at - I am going to toot my own horn and say how fantastic I look already. My confidence has increased significantly; Everytime I put an updated picture on Facebook, I am overwhelmed with all the comments and encouragement from my friends and family..I've been told I should be on "Biggest Loser"by multiple people - Thus the title of this Blog..
Not only am I healthier overall, but there have been some bonus "side effects" - I've gained further respect from my friends and family for how I've stuck with it...I can see it in the comments they make, and even from people I havent seen in months or years coming up to me and saying how great I look. The vindication is just AWESOME!
I honestly never thought I would make it this far. I've tried a few times in the past lose weight, but this was the first time I made it past the initial 2 weeks. Tuesday will be 12 weeks since I began my journey, and as of today I am just over halfway there - 50 pounds to go!!!
I think the timing was right for the success of your progress. Also, the medical scare could have something to do with it. (always a reinforcement) But, that doesn't matter what matters is that you are feeling proud and delighted with your life style change.
ReplyDeleteKudos to you and keep up the progress. :)
Looking forward to reading more soon.
This is the new me... :-) Thanks!